Breast Cancer Survivor

"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails"
Family photo November 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008
2nd Chemo Treatment 2/21/08
Sorry, it's Monday and I haven't updated yet. Chemo was Thursday. It went better this time. I went back in Friday for fluids and shots. I was tired and a little nauseated Saturday and Sunday but much better than last time. I had more fluids today but escaped the shots since my blood counts were good. I felt pretty bad this morning but was up and outside this afternoon after the fluids. Hopefully, I'll feel better and better over the next few days. Thankfully the doctor changed my dose a little and is making me have fluids more than before. I'm so happy that I'm not exhausted and sick like I was last time. It makes me actually think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The rest of my stubble is coming out. I should be a full blown cue ball soon. It's so white! I never dreamed my head was so white since I'm Italian. I suppose it'll be tan in a few weeks. It was actually 88 degrees here today, but 57 tomorrow, back to 70's this weekend. I know, all you Mainers hate me right now... how about a little more snow! ~Erica
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
So I Shaved My Head......
Well, Jason shaved it for me. I called Angela and her husband Amanat to come help and offer moral support. I had the kids hairdresser cut it super short on Friday because it was falling out really badly. By Saturday it was coming out in handfulls. I drew the line when Nathan crawled up to me and had my hair stuck all over his face! I was shedding like a German Shepherd. I told Jason, "just shave it off, I can't take it anymore". I cried for a minute and then we had fun with it. First the punk rocker look, then the mohawk, then off with the rest. I actually like the bandanas and hats more than the wig, they're more comfortable . I think I'll only wear the wig when I have to. Nathan doesn't notice except to pull off my hat and Will just asked if I get to wear my "New Hair"now. I'm cool with it. I think it looks ok. Chemo again this Thursday, we'll update sometime this weekend. ~Erica
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Good Weekend
Thankfully, no appendicitis and I guess my blood cells are better because I finally feel better. It was great to have Christina and Sam here this weekend. Will had a blast playing outside. Thanks to all the friends that helped Christina in her "Hat Drive"! That was awesome! Christina collected about 20 hats for me from friends back home, they're adorable. It was something I was going to do on my own and now I'm all set. Thanks for all the kind thoughts, I needed them last week. Love, Erica
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Good Day
Erica looked really good today. She was moving around, laughing and even ate pizza. She's enjoying her beautiful weekend here (in 70's) with her bff Christina that flew in from Maine with her 5 year old son Sam. aa
Friday, February 8, 2008
Going Home
Erica's surgeon looked at all the scans and decided it wasn't inflamed and she didn't have any other signs of her appendix needing to be removed right away. She gets to go home!!!!!! She's tired and had a migrane but other than that was feeling okay. Angela
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Low White Blood Cells and Appendix
Today Erica had her blood work done and it was a little low on white blood cells so they gave her an injection to help her body build the white blood cells back which is what causes the achy bones. She also got a bag of fluid and antibotics. She was having a little trouble breathing so they did a cat scan for blood clots. That all came back normal but they saw her appendix a little swollen. She is now doing further tests on her appendix to see if it's just an infection she can take antibotics for or if she will need surgery. Which means waiting until they bring her white blood count back up. We should find out tonight. She's doing okay and not in a lot of pain. Just of course hates having to go thru anything else. Angela
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Chemo sucks!
Ok, I sincerely hope that none of you reading this ever have to go through Chemo. The first day was a blur, 4 hrs there, then home and I slept until Friday. I had to go in for a shot on Friday to boost my White blood cells but when I got there I was so nauseated and pale that they gave me IV fluids and more nausea meds. Thankfully, the nausea went away but I sleep all the time. I'm so exausted from the Chemo killing off my blood cells that I can hardly stay awake. Not to mention the shot makes every inch of my body ache because it is forcing it to rapidly make new blood cells. It hurts just laying down. On the plus side, these are only suppose to last for 7 days and then I have 14 glorious normal days until it starts over again. I just have to keep thinking, "only 5 more times and I'm done." ~Erica
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How it all began......
Welcome to my website! This site was created by my wonderful friend Angela to keep everyone I love updated on my “Journey” beating Breast Cancer.
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on December 19, 2007 @ 4:30 in the afternoon. It was quite possibly the worst phone call I’ve ever received. The doctors kept telling me that I was “too young”… it’s probably just a cyst or a fibroid (benign tumor). So, I had convinced myself of the same. Imagine my shock and fear when the doctor said “I hate to tell you this, but it IS cancer.”
I didn’t really know how to react. At first I cried a little. Then, I was ok. Then cried some more, then, ok. It wasn’t until I saw the surgeon and learned of the best option for survival, a double mastectomy, that I really broke down. I had a meltdown for a couple of days and then I was fine. I’ve been pretty good with it ever since. I know that I can beat this sneaky disease and I will live a long life with the loves of my life; my husband Jason, and my 2 boys, Will & Nathan.
Jason had a hard time at first. He just kept thinking the worst, that I wouldn’t make it. He’s doing much better now that we’ve seen all the doctors and the prognosis is good.
The kids don’t really understand. Will (who’s almost 4) thinks mommy is having an operation, that’s it. Nathan just turned 1 so he just wants to be held all the time. That will be the hardest thing on me. I love to hold my babies and I won’t be able to pick them up for awhile.
Thankfully, my mom, Kathy, has come to the rescue. She is here as long as we need her. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother and family. My sister is coming from Alaska, pregnant and all, to help out too. My dad is coming back soon and Jason’s parents, Rick & Jan along with his whole extended family are just a phone call away if I need them. Unfortunately, my brother, Steve can’t come although he wants to. I even have my friends from Maine that want to come and help! Thank you Christina and Nikki for offering. My friends here, Angela, Oti, Julie & Niki are all on standby also. They’re ready at a moments notice for whatever we need. I love you all, I can’t say how good it makes me feel to be loved.
Everyone I know is praying for us which is so wonderful. I appreciate all the prayers. Only God knows what will happen but I’m confident that he will pull me through.
Anyway, I hope you log on to find out how we’re doing down here in Texas. My surgery is January 9th @ 7:30 a.m. I’ll be in the hospital for 2 nights.
I hope this site can help anyone else who gets this horrible disease, although I pray that none of you ever have to experience it.
Love to all!
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on December 19, 2007 @ 4:30 in the afternoon. It was quite possibly the worst phone call I’ve ever received. The doctors kept telling me that I was “too young”… it’s probably just a cyst or a fibroid (benign tumor). So, I had convinced myself of the same. Imagine my shock and fear when the doctor said “I hate to tell you this, but it IS cancer.”
I didn’t really know how to react. At first I cried a little. Then, I was ok. Then cried some more, then, ok. It wasn’t until I saw the surgeon and learned of the best option for survival, a double mastectomy, that I really broke down. I had a meltdown for a couple of days and then I was fine. I’ve been pretty good with it ever since. I know that I can beat this sneaky disease and I will live a long life with the loves of my life; my husband Jason, and my 2 boys, Will & Nathan.
Jason had a hard time at first. He just kept thinking the worst, that I wouldn’t make it. He’s doing much better now that we’ve seen all the doctors and the prognosis is good.
The kids don’t really understand. Will (who’s almost 4) thinks mommy is having an operation, that’s it. Nathan just turned 1 so he just wants to be held all the time. That will be the hardest thing on me. I love to hold my babies and I won’t be able to pick them up for awhile.
Thankfully, my mom, Kathy, has come to the rescue. She is here as long as we need her. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother and family. My sister is coming from Alaska, pregnant and all, to help out too. My dad is coming back soon and Jason’s parents, Rick & Jan along with his whole extended family are just a phone call away if I need them. Unfortunately, my brother, Steve can’t come although he wants to. I even have my friends from Maine that want to come and help! Thank you Christina and Nikki for offering. My friends here, Angela, Oti, Julie & Niki are all on standby also. They’re ready at a moments notice for whatever we need. I love you all, I can’t say how good it makes me feel to be loved.
Everyone I know is praying for us which is so wonderful. I appreciate all the prayers. Only God knows what will happen but I’m confident that he will pull me through.
Anyway, I hope you log on to find out how we’re doing down here in Texas. My surgery is January 9th @ 7:30 a.m. I’ll be in the hospital for 2 nights.
I hope this site can help anyone else who gets this horrible disease, although I pray that none of you ever have to experience it.
Love to all!