Breast Cancer Survivor

"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails"
Family photo November 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday after Chemo 5
Well, I felt better today than I have after the last few chemos. Thursday and Friday weren't so great, I was nauseated both days and just wanted to puke. Yesterday was the sore body day, although, not as sore as usual. It was also my birthday so I had a wonderful time in bed all day! Jason and the boys brought me roses and put them on my dresser for me to look at. Will was too sweet, wishing me Happy Birthday every 5 minutes. Today I woke up with a rockin' headache, took some advil and went back to bed until noon. Then I slept off and on all day. I feel pretty good right now other than still being tired. The next few days will be better and better. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, they're working. Love, Erica
Thursday, April 24, 2008
5th Chemo
Well, I had my 5th treatment today. I'm a little nauseated and tired. I was hopped up on steroids last night so I didn't fall asleep until about 4:30 a.m. I'm going to go lay down and rest for a while. My neighbor made us dinner, she's so sweet. This weekend ought to be a blast. Saturday was my bad day last time and this Saturday is my birthday, woohoo paaarty in my bed, and not the good kind! Oh well, I'll have to go out next weekend. The big 3-6, I'm officially late 30's now, how depressing. I can still remember our crazy 20's, partying all the time, it seems like yesterday even though it was 10+ years ago. Oh well, as long as we still feel young then we are young! I'm beating this crap and I will PARTY again! I'll update again on Sunday. Love y'all! (ha,ha) Erica
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Week 3 post 4th Chemo
I saw the Doctor today. All my blood counts were up very high. She was very happy. Chemo is next Thursday again and then only 1 more! Praise God! Therapy is going well, the swelling is going away. Overall, I'm feeling good. This weekend will be in the low 80's so I'll be outside tanning my "chrome dome" as Jason calls it. I bought a new bikini last weekend. It looks good but funny with the bald head. Oh well, I'll look GREAT when body overhaul is finished! I probably won't upate again until Chemo day. Not much to report when I feel good. Thanks for writing to me again! I miss everyone. I can't wait to see you in August when I come home. Love, Erica
Thursday, April 10, 2008
One week after 4th Chemo
I've been doing pretty well since about Tuesday. I had my bloodwork done today and, as usual, my white and red blood counts were down. I surprisingly felt ok? They gave me one of each shot and by late afternoon I felt even better. I played outside with the boys after school. If they had it their way, they'd never come inside. I have my first Lymphodema session tomorrow. Hopefully that will be resolved quickly. (My arm started to swell/retain fluid due to lymph nodes being removed on my left side) I'll update again soon. Love, Erica
P.S. Where'd everyone go? I miss hearing from you.
P.S. Where'd everyone go? I miss hearing from you.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
4th Chemo weekend
Well, my first chemo without mom went ok. Jason's sister Kristi came up with her husband Rich for the weekend to help out. Jason's mom made dinner last night and Will went to Jason's Aunt Sharon's Friday and 1/2 of Saturday. I'm doing well. My achy body thing happened yesterday instead of today. I'm just tired and a little nauseated today. More fluids tomorrow should help me out. I'll get another shot or 2 on Thursday and then I'll feel good next weekend. My dad cut his arm open on a table saw and had surgery Saturday. He's ok, but he could use a prayer or two to help him heal faster and get on the golf course! I just sent Jason to the ER with Nathan who has a 103 fever. I think it's an ear infection. It's a neverending party around here! Anywho, I'm hanging in there, I'll update again in a few days. Love, Erica
Thursday, April 3, 2008
4th Chemo 4/3/08
Chemo went ok. It was actually fun today. My Chemo buddies Allison and Susan were there today. Allison is also 35 and Susan is 50 but very young acting. We laughed about our rock hard boobs and had a good old time. Allison is my age, her husbands name is Jason, her son's name is Nathan and her 2 kids are 5 & 2, a year older than mine; how wierd, huh? Jason & I picked up the kids when I was done. Then I came home, made dinner, gave the kids baths and still feel good. I'll start to get tired pretty soon. I have fluids and my achy shot tomorrow. Not much else to report. I'll write again on Sunday. Love, Erica
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Quick update 4/2/08
Sorry I haven't updated. I've been great for 2 weeks and taking every opportunity to do things before tomorrow (chemo). Last week i ended up seeing a Physical Therapist for Lymphodema. That is a side effect of the mastectomy from having Lymph nodes removed. My right arm was retaining fluid and is a little swollen. I have to see a therapist to do manual drainage and exercises. I also get to wear a lovely skin toned compression sleeve that extends from my armpit to my wrist to keep the swelling down. As long as I baby my arm it should go away and hopefully not return. It's just something that people have to deal with when there are lymph nodes taken out. I'll update this weekend on how Chemo went. 4 down, 2 to go! Love, Erica
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How it all began......
Welcome to my website! This site was created by my wonderful friend Angela to keep everyone I love updated on my “Journey” beating Breast Cancer.
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on December 19, 2007 @ 4:30 in the afternoon. It was quite possibly the worst phone call I’ve ever received. The doctors kept telling me that I was “too young”… it’s probably just a cyst or a fibroid (benign tumor). So, I had convinced myself of the same. Imagine my shock and fear when the doctor said “I hate to tell you this, but it IS cancer.”
I didn’t really know how to react. At first I cried a little. Then, I was ok. Then cried some more, then, ok. It wasn’t until I saw the surgeon and learned of the best option for survival, a double mastectomy, that I really broke down. I had a meltdown for a couple of days and then I was fine. I’ve been pretty good with it ever since. I know that I can beat this sneaky disease and I will live a long life with the loves of my life; my husband Jason, and my 2 boys, Will & Nathan.
Jason had a hard time at first. He just kept thinking the worst, that I wouldn’t make it. He’s doing much better now that we’ve seen all the doctors and the prognosis is good.
The kids don’t really understand. Will (who’s almost 4) thinks mommy is having an operation, that’s it. Nathan just turned 1 so he just wants to be held all the time. That will be the hardest thing on me. I love to hold my babies and I won’t be able to pick them up for awhile.
Thankfully, my mom, Kathy, has come to the rescue. She is here as long as we need her. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother and family. My sister is coming from Alaska, pregnant and all, to help out too. My dad is coming back soon and Jason’s parents, Rick & Jan along with his whole extended family are just a phone call away if I need them. Unfortunately, my brother, Steve can’t come although he wants to. I even have my friends from Maine that want to come and help! Thank you Christina and Nikki for offering. My friends here, Angela, Oti, Julie & Niki are all on standby also. They’re ready at a moments notice for whatever we need. I love you all, I can’t say how good it makes me feel to be loved.
Everyone I know is praying for us which is so wonderful. I appreciate all the prayers. Only God knows what will happen but I’m confident that he will pull me through.
Anyway, I hope you log on to find out how we’re doing down here in Texas. My surgery is January 9th @ 7:30 a.m. I’ll be in the hospital for 2 nights.
I hope this site can help anyone else who gets this horrible disease, although I pray that none of you ever have to experience it.
Love to all!
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on December 19, 2007 @ 4:30 in the afternoon. It was quite possibly the worst phone call I’ve ever received. The doctors kept telling me that I was “too young”… it’s probably just a cyst or a fibroid (benign tumor). So, I had convinced myself of the same. Imagine my shock and fear when the doctor said “I hate to tell you this, but it IS cancer.”
I didn’t really know how to react. At first I cried a little. Then, I was ok. Then cried some more, then, ok. It wasn’t until I saw the surgeon and learned of the best option for survival, a double mastectomy, that I really broke down. I had a meltdown for a couple of days and then I was fine. I’ve been pretty good with it ever since. I know that I can beat this sneaky disease and I will live a long life with the loves of my life; my husband Jason, and my 2 boys, Will & Nathan.
Jason had a hard time at first. He just kept thinking the worst, that I wouldn’t make it. He’s doing much better now that we’ve seen all the doctors and the prognosis is good.
The kids don’t really understand. Will (who’s almost 4) thinks mommy is having an operation, that’s it. Nathan just turned 1 so he just wants to be held all the time. That will be the hardest thing on me. I love to hold my babies and I won’t be able to pick them up for awhile.
Thankfully, my mom, Kathy, has come to the rescue. She is here as long as we need her. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother and family. My sister is coming from Alaska, pregnant and all, to help out too. My dad is coming back soon and Jason’s parents, Rick & Jan along with his whole extended family are just a phone call away if I need them. Unfortunately, my brother, Steve can’t come although he wants to. I even have my friends from Maine that want to come and help! Thank you Christina and Nikki for offering. My friends here, Angela, Oti, Julie & Niki are all on standby also. They’re ready at a moments notice for whatever we need. I love you all, I can’t say how good it makes me feel to be loved.
Everyone I know is praying for us which is so wonderful. I appreciate all the prayers. Only God knows what will happen but I’m confident that he will pull me through.
Anyway, I hope you log on to find out how we’re doing down here in Texas. My surgery is January 9th @ 7:30 a.m. I’ll be in the hospital for 2 nights.
I hope this site can help anyone else who gets this horrible disease, although I pray that none of you ever have to experience it.
Love to all!