Breast Cancer Survivor

"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails"
Family photo November 2008

Friday, January 4, 2008
This is for my wonderful friend that I know would give her all to anyone that was in her position. I know she is on everyone's mind and I hope this will help ease worries and questions thru her journey of recovery. We all know how strong she is as a mother, friend, wife, daughter, sister, and just as a person. I know she will make this battle look like a piece of cake. Love Angela
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How it all began......
Welcome to my website! This site was created by my wonderful friend Angela to keep everyone I love updated on my “Journey” beating Breast Cancer.
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on December 19, 2007 @ 4:30 in the afternoon. It was quite possibly the worst phone call I’ve ever received. The doctors kept telling me that I was “too young”… it’s probably just a cyst or a fibroid (benign tumor). So, I had convinced myself of the same. Imagine my shock and fear when the doctor said “I hate to tell you this, but it IS cancer.”
I didn’t really know how to react. At first I cried a little. Then, I was ok. Then cried some more, then, ok. It wasn’t until I saw the surgeon and learned of the best option for survival, a double mastectomy, that I really broke down. I had a meltdown for a couple of days and then I was fine. I’ve been pretty good with it ever since. I know that I can beat this sneaky disease and I will live a long life with the loves of my life; my husband Jason, and my 2 boys, Will & Nathan.
Jason had a hard time at first. He just kept thinking the worst, that I wouldn’t make it. He’s doing much better now that we’ve seen all the doctors and the prognosis is good.
The kids don’t really understand. Will (who’s almost 4) thinks mommy is having an operation, that’s it. Nathan just turned 1 so he just wants to be held all the time. That will be the hardest thing on me. I love to hold my babies and I won’t be able to pick them up for awhile.
Thankfully, my mom, Kathy, has come to the rescue. She is here as long as we need her. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother and family. My sister is coming from Alaska, pregnant and all, to help out too. My dad is coming back soon and Jason’s parents, Rick & Jan along with his whole extended family are just a phone call away if I need them. Unfortunately, my brother, Steve can’t come although he wants to. I even have my friends from Maine that want to come and help! Thank you Christina and Nikki for offering. My friends here, Angela, Oti, Julie & Niki are all on standby also. They’re ready at a moments notice for whatever we need. I love you all, I can’t say how good it makes me feel to be loved.
Everyone I know is praying for us which is so wonderful. I appreciate all the prayers. Only God knows what will happen but I’m confident that he will pull me through.
Anyway, I hope you log on to find out how we’re doing down here in Texas. My surgery is January 9th @ 7:30 a.m. I’ll be in the hospital for 2 nights.
I hope this site can help anyone else who gets this horrible disease, although I pray that none of you ever have to experience it.
Love to all!
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on December 19, 2007 @ 4:30 in the afternoon. It was quite possibly the worst phone call I’ve ever received. The doctors kept telling me that I was “too young”… it’s probably just a cyst or a fibroid (benign tumor). So, I had convinced myself of the same. Imagine my shock and fear when the doctor said “I hate to tell you this, but it IS cancer.”
I didn’t really know how to react. At first I cried a little. Then, I was ok. Then cried some more, then, ok. It wasn’t until I saw the surgeon and learned of the best option for survival, a double mastectomy, that I really broke down. I had a meltdown for a couple of days and then I was fine. I’ve been pretty good with it ever since. I know that I can beat this sneaky disease and I will live a long life with the loves of my life; my husband Jason, and my 2 boys, Will & Nathan.
Jason had a hard time at first. He just kept thinking the worst, that I wouldn’t make it. He’s doing much better now that we’ve seen all the doctors and the prognosis is good.
The kids don’t really understand. Will (who’s almost 4) thinks mommy is having an operation, that’s it. Nathan just turned 1 so he just wants to be held all the time. That will be the hardest thing on me. I love to hold my babies and I won’t be able to pick them up for awhile.
Thankfully, my mom, Kathy, has come to the rescue. She is here as long as we need her. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother and family. My sister is coming from Alaska, pregnant and all, to help out too. My dad is coming back soon and Jason’s parents, Rick & Jan along with his whole extended family are just a phone call away if I need them. Unfortunately, my brother, Steve can’t come although he wants to. I even have my friends from Maine that want to come and help! Thank you Christina and Nikki for offering. My friends here, Angela, Oti, Julie & Niki are all on standby also. They’re ready at a moments notice for whatever we need. I love you all, I can’t say how good it makes me feel to be loved.
Everyone I know is praying for us which is so wonderful. I appreciate all the prayers. Only God knows what will happen but I’m confident that he will pull me through.
Anyway, I hope you log on to find out how we’re doing down here in Texas. My surgery is January 9th @ 7:30 a.m. I’ll be in the hospital for 2 nights.
I hope this site can help anyone else who gets this horrible disease, although I pray that none of you ever have to experience it.
Love to all!
I just want you to know I love you and have been thinking about you and praying for you every day. I know you will beat this horrible disease and you will do it with your stong will and love of life. I am so happy that you have the love and support of close family and friends and please allow them all to take care of you. Tell your mom and sister to give you a hug from me. Christina
Thank goodness you have that Italian/Yankee attitude that doesn't take $#!% from anyone... including cancer! I love you so much and want to make sure you know that I'm here for you 24/7. Now you have it in writing!
Listen to your friend Christina and "allow" us to take care of you.
Love, Oti
Erica, you have enriched my life more than I can imagine. You are a wonderful mother to Will and Nathan, I know that we do not always see how much love and work you put into your family. Thank you for being my listening ear and for guiding me when I am in need, please let me be there for you in that same way. I love you and I know that our prayers will be answered. You strength (and stubborness) always pulls you through, this struggle will be no different. You are loved and needed by too many people right now - keep on fighting the fight - know that when you look over your shoulder, you will see the an army of us behind you. Love, Kristi
Erica, I don't know if your dad told you , but I talked to him the other day. I told him to give you something the next time he sees you. It's special... because it's rare..... a hug from me... ha ha. You know how I am. Jo and I are praying for you and are positive you WILL beat this. Love Dan and Jo.
It's me again. I want to thank your friend Angela for creating this web site because it helps us all to feel closer to you. I just want to be able to hold your hand right now and this is the closet thing I have so I thank her for that. Stay stong, I love you. Christina
so i am the baller out of the group, so as i wipe my eyes i want you to know how much i admire your strength and courage. i know that you will get through this and it is only going to bring you and your family closer. we are all here to help you. you say the word...meals, cleaning, help with the kids, taxi service, a shoulder, you name it!
we love you and you are in our prayers!
so i am the baller out of the group, so as i wipe my eyes i want you to know how much i admire your strength and courage. i know you will get through this and it will bring you and your family closer. Let me know what i can help you with (cleaning, meals, taxi service, shopping, help with the kids, a shoulder).
We love you and you are in our prayers!
Hi Erica, it is me Lori. What a special website. I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you always. You are one of the strongest people I know so I know you will be just fine! I want you to also know that I would definately be there to help you if you need me.(You MUST be special to get me on a damn plane!! hee hee) BIG hugs to you and your family. Lots of LOVE REEK!!!!!
from Me, Ernie, Marina & Ava.
My dear sweet "italian" sister! "SOUL SISTER" You and your family has weighed heavy on my heart since i received the email from angela... I have so many times wanted to call you, but knew you are surely being bombarded by so many close friends & family, i wasn't sure of the timing... I LOVE and ADORE you so much and have know doubt the Lord's hand is w/you all... I sincerely would love to help in anyway i can... I can bring meals, watch the boys, whatever... Please don't hesitate to call me, as i did in calling you! You are such a gift to all and just bring so much life to anyone who knows you..."must be the italian thing!!!" giggle :) I'm cheering for you and praising god already for the amazing things he is preparing and already doing. Girl, you truly are a gem, i can't even imagine the cut, shine and beauty the lord is already started in this storm you have just begun.. God is so amazing and he's so has you embraced in HIM... That is my prayer, that you will find and embrace HIS I love you, LOTS of HUGS!! Lorrie
Seriously, I think it is the cancer that should be the one scared going up against YOU! What was it thinking?! Obviously it hasn't seen your strong will and attitude, but it is soon going to find out that you are a force to be reckoned with!
Now that you are hopefully laughing, I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and sending many, many hugs from Maine!
You are going to beat this hands down. Let those who love you take care of you and your family and you will be throwing your little boys in the air and giving them piggy backs again before you know it!
Hugs! Katie
I know I've already told you many times, but as Oti said just so you have it in writing...I'm here for whatever you need in the next few months just a phone call away. I can pick up the boys from preschool, bring a meal (ok might not be homemade!), come play with the kids, or just hang out and talk. This is your time and you are our focus!!! You may have a tough road in front of you, but you are one of the strongest women I know!!
Love, Julie
I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you for the 9th and the days beyond. I know this will be a tough process but you will come through.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you." Jeremiah 29:11,12
Erica, what a great website Angela put together! Thank you for being so honest with your story and telling us what you're going through. It takes a brave soul to do that! I pray that God will continue to give you strength to overcome the physical and emotional stresses, and I pray He will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding. Hang in there, girlfriend!!
Love, Frankie
Your in surgery right now and I am thinking of you and your family and I know everything will be OK and everyone will take good care of you. Love You, Christina
I am so grateful that you have made it this far and are still very positve. You're a very strong lady and you'll make it - no doubt in my mind! We are all praying for you and the family. Sarah and I pray everyday before she goes to school and your name is always in our prayers. I meant it when I told you to call me when you need a "shift" change. Just call me and I'll be there as quick as I can.
We all love you down here in Houston!
Debbie Rasmusson
Erica I want you to know that you are in my prayers everyday. You are surrounded in love by your family and friends and I pray that you can feel the strength of that love every moment. I also want you to know that I am a phone call away if you need anything.
You have probably wondered "why me?", "why now?" a million times. While you may never get the answers to those questions, I know that God is using this time to strengthen our faith. So many prayers have already been answered and there is no doubt in my mind that our collective prayer..."Lord please take this cancer away from Erica and heal her completely" has already been answered.
"I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about something and pray for it, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19
As you can see from this blog, many more than two are praying for your healing. I believe it has already been done. Celebrate your life Sweetie! Love Sharon
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